GIS mapping

This week the project ‘Interacting with the dead: belief and conflict in early medieval Europe’ based at Stockholm University is being visited by Emma Brownlee from the University of Cambridge, who’s helping us get started with GIS mapping. She’s giving us some training in the use of up to date mapping software, helping us set up the maps we need, and answering our many questions about the types of analysis which are possible and how best to organize our data to utilize them. Not the best time of year to see Stockholm  – as this picture shows, it’s very, very dark on a November afternoon! Best to stay in indoors and try out some hot spot analyses.

New publication on reopening in early medieval Germany

At last – Stephanie Zintl’s PhD thesis has been published! The two volumes contain an overview on the history of research, methods and interpretations regarding reopened graves of the Merovingian period and an extensive case study based on several cemeteries in the region of Regensburg, Bavaria. The main observations and conclusions can be found here. Three of the cemeteries are published in the second volume.

Zintl, S. (2019). Frühmittelalterliche Grabräuber? Wiedergeöffnete Gräber der Merowingerzeit. Regensburger Studien 24 (hrsg. vom Stadtarchiv Regensburg) Regensburg 2019. (2 volumes)